Since 1938, Øvre Vollgate 13 has stood as a functionalist building in Kvadraturen in Oslo. In 2023, the building has undergone extensive rehabilitation under the management and collaboration of PUSHAK and IARK. Now, the building stands as a forward-looking and modern office building with well-preserved architectural values and history.

Based on this, Fora Form has been commissioned to deliver a range of furniture for various types of meeting rooms and social zones. This includes smaller meeting room solutions, featuring Kvart tables and Fjell chairs, designed by Lars Tornøe.

In larger conference rooms, IARK has utilized Dwell chairs, designed by Matias Stenberg. Being a spacious conference chair, Dwell is an excellent alternative for zones that emphasize longer meetings where comfort is crucial. It allows users to have a clear and defined space in larger meeting contexts.
Photo: Niklas Hart
Architect: PUSHAK
Interior architect: IARK
Dealer: Senab Eikeland