Eat together
The dining area provides more value than simply enjoying a meal together. It's also where people get to know each other, where you dare to let loose, and where conversations flow. There is no other space in an organization where the culture is as visible. You can create real value by considering the dining area as a cultural builder!
An inspiring dining area is a natural place to spend time together. Invest in an environment that helps people relax, and you will get a stronger organization in return. Different seat heights along with a variety of table shapes and materials will cater to various needs and create natural zones that can appeal to different people.
"Breaking bread" is an old expression that illustrates the value and interaction of eating together. It's where we create space for interpersonal interactions during the workday. This meeting place is, within an organization, a vital arena for culture building and well-being, but it also requires significant space. Despite this, we often see that the cafeteria needs to be more utilized.
In modern office landscapes, we see cafeterias being designed for more than just eating. The cafeteria can practically function as a gathering space for larger meetings, presentations, and communal events if this is considered during planning. Here, flexible solutions with a focus on function, cleanliness, and usage are key to achieving a good outcome - and a central meeting point within the organization.
Rooms we eat together in: