With Fora ReForm, we’re creating a sustainable lifecycle, from raw materials to use, reuse, and recycling. This prevents furniture from being thrown away because of a worn cover, broken armrests, or an outdated look. This is why Fora Form, as the first furniture manufacturer in Norway, is now implementing a system for updating and reusing original furniture. Your pieces will be picked up and sent to one of our certified Fora ReForm partners for repair and renewal.
By repairing and reusing Fora Form furniture, you’ll reduce your CO2 footprint by 50-70 percent compared to buying a new piece. You’ll receive refreshed and upgraded furniture with a new five-year warranty. We’ll also issue a new environmental declaration (EDP) for your reformed Fora Form product, documenting its actual CO2 footprint and the environmental benefits of Fora ReForm.

Fora Form has created social furniture and meeting places through solid craftsmanship and timeless design since 1929. Our ambition has always been to create great indoor experiences. Today we’re taking action to refresh and renew our clients’ interior spaces. We’re doing it by giving our design classics new life, using new materials, and reducing waste at every stage. We call this process Fora ReForm.
A lot of furniture is discarded because we lack opportunities to repair, modernize and preserve original, timeworn pieces. Fora ReForm is a new way to give your Fora Form furniture the longest possible life. Using only original parts, we’ll guarantee your product's quality and look, increasing its second-hand value, prolonging its life cycle, and protecting its originality.

An important question to ask yourself in a reuse process is what requirements lie behind a used furniture purchase. Today, public procurement only makes one requirement for used furniture - that the furniture is used.
With Fora ReForm, we want to put requirements for used furniture on the agenda. We offer a new warranty and EPD, just like the requirements for buying new furniture. By giving used furniture certifications and conditions equivalent to contemporary, we want to add value to used furniture. This will prove that the reformed furniture is still suitable for public space.
The green transition also affects our industry. We must act now to achieve the goal of zero emissions by 2050. We can only achieve this by reducing emissions on a larger scale and utilizing the already-produced resources.

Through Fora ReForm, we want to change the pace of sustainable furniture production by extending the life cycle of original furniture for the good of people and the environment. By ReForming furniture, we fulfill our vision of creating furniture and places that facilitate good meetings between people today and future generations.
Fora ReForm is a significant investment area for us at Fora Form. As of today, we have launched five products: Clint, Misto, Planet, Senso, and Up. New launches will come continuously in the future, but we take on other products on a project basis.
If you have another Fora Form product that you want to reform, contact us!