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8 Ferco pathe gaumont verona lite zero wall
Entertainment as a product
Experience together

Movie theatres

Today's movie theaters are changing. The entry of streaming services in the market provides faster access to the same product - entertainment.

Written by Tone 07.10.2019

This is part of an international trend that can be summed up in two words: "good enough". Where the users say: "I don't want to leave the house to watch movies, my tiny iphone does the same trick". We have seen a number of industries struggle over a long period of time by not listening to their customers and how their consumption of the product is changing. For Fora Form, we as a subcontractor to the cinema market have to think about how we can help deliver a different cinema experience that adds something more to the product than just the film. Our collaboration with Ferco Seating will help us to change the experience.

Fora Form believes that interaction is the key to good interiors. In this context, we look at the interaction between the furniture and the users experiences on the screen. The furiture must be partisipants in the goal to enhance the experience. Fora Form Experience has for decades been Norway's most leading supplier of areas that require good interaction. Ferco Seating is a world leader in auditoriums, educational institutions and cinemas. Together we have unique insights into how cinemas are built around the world and can help change the value creation for the cinema industry.

Changing the use of a theatre adds new demands to function. A theatre with food service has different requirements for materials and options than the traditional cinema chair with the ability to lean back. This also requires a greater segmentation of the theatres and pin point each of the theatres towards specific target groups. Let's explain through some examples.

Below we show some examples of halls in Norway supplied by us and internationally supplied by Ferco Seating

Vadsø Kino med Verona og Opus kinostoler 1 Fora Form

In September 2019, Fora Form and Ferco delivered in Vadsø cinema which ended up putting the audience in focus. They choose "loveseats" in the back row of its main hall to better develop the cinema concept. In the rest of the hall, the market has the most comfortable recliners and footstool. Many cinemas have good chairs - but here the whole hall is extra good.

Al Ghurair Centre 3

This Al Ghuriar Center movie theater is only composed of small booths where two and two can share the experience together - only the two. A customer who experiences a romantic comedy in such a hall will have a completely different product than just the movie. The seats are covered in leather with a power outlet for an exclusive touch. In addition, the chairs can be reclined and the audience can enjoy the movie together.

Ariel 1

In Puchong, Ferco built a movie theater aimed at the children's movie segment. The hall has a large slide in addition to the stairs, while the chairs are large zacco bags. The seats have a special lining that lasts longer than traditional zacco bags. There is a playroom attached to the hall which caters for children as a customer group. In this way, the hall is built towards the customer group and the end product becomes even better.

Such segmentation of the halls will give you competitiveness in a market that is constantly gaining competition from new and different entertainment platforms. By expanding the concept of entertainment and the product we will deliver together, we are confident that we will continue to deliver good cinema experiences in the future.

Fora Form Experience - wherever people meet.

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