BUD meny


A playful chair for the meeting room or dining area and your new best friend! Discover all BUD variations here:
Senso meny


A multi-modular sofa and one of our best-selling products of all time. What does your next Senso setup look like?
Jobb sammen

Work together

Meeting spaces influence organization culture. Read more about how we can assist you with workplace design here:
Spis sammen

Eat together

The dining area is the organization's most crucial culture builder. We provide you with our best tips for creating a cozy dining area.

Fora ReForm

A sustainable approach to our design heritage: giving design classics a new lease of life.
Vår historie

Our history

Since 1929, we have been crafting Norwegian quality furniture in Ørsta, Sunnmøre. Learn more about our design heritage and how we have uphold it for almost 100 years!
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Breathe together

Appreciate your colleagues!

We know the physical absence of your colleagues nowadays is tough. Home office isolates us to a greater extent than we are used to, but remains important to maintain our common wellfare. At Fora Form want to celebrate the great interactions between co-workers by creating the "colleague campaign"!

Written by Pål 18.03.2020

Great meeting spaces and cooperation is the keys to enable coworkers to become colleagues. Today, the importance of colleagues is higher than ever since we do not physically meet them. The absence of coworkers who build you up and give you confidence causes effects throughout the day. The absence of the daily inteaction may have us reflect on what we are missing out on.

Now is the time to celebrate those who strengthen us in everyday life. Those who make the tasks in front of us a little easier. The ones we can go to when we have no idea how to reach an objective and who stand behind you saying, "You've got this...!" The people who help pull the load - with us. Let's celebrate our colleagues.

Here are some quotes from our own staff:

-"My colleagues know me are really important to me. Think about all the time I spend with them..."

Pernille (39)

-"Tough days get better when you have someone who can push you forward..."

Tone (42)

-"Having great people around me means that I aim to perform better myself..."

Sondre (29)

-"I get so proud of my colleagues and the value we create together..."

Yvonne (58)

Read more about what our value proposition to our colleagues

Our value proposition to our employees

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