BUD meny


A playful chair for the meeting room or dining area and your new best friend! Discover all BUD variations here:
Senso meny


A multi-modular sofa and one of our best-selling products of all time. What does your next Senso setup look like?
Jobb sammen

Work together

Meeting spaces influence organization culture. Read more about how we can assist you with workplace design here:
Spis sammen

Eat together

The dining area is the organization's most crucial culture builder. We provide you with our best tips for creating a cozy dining area.

Fora ReForm

A sustainable approach to our design heritage: giving design classics a new lease of life.
Vår historie

Our history

Since 1929, we have been crafting Norwegian quality furniture in Ørsta, Sunnmøre. Learn more about our design heritage and how we have uphold it for almost 100 years!
Dwell Tind S bord pg Colonnade bord i et konferanse og pauserom
Work together

Informal meetings

Informal meeting places in the middle of the work area often have a common function of being a social gathering point at the same time as informal internal meetings and impulsive team meetings to solve common issues.

Written by Tone 05.11.2019

The use of informal meeting places depends on the type of Meetings that are being held. It may be an idea to take an assessment after the department has adaped to social Space, to check if it fits the department's needs and working methods. Such zones may have positive effects on the overall culture and work environment, but can also be perceived as noisy. A creative innovation process has different needs and a work methods.

A creative work process, such as "Design thinking", consists of several stages where you gather insights and ideas to create new creative solutions to problems that customers or users do not know they need. That is why insight is so important into the process and all participants are equally important. These meeting rooms do not require as much technology or function on chairs as engagement is important.

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