When Fora Form launched the Root table in 2017, designer Runa Klock's vision was to create a lounge table with a clear sustainability vision. Not only was the table made from environmentally friendly materials, but the shapes and design were also designed to draw clear parallels to the natural and authentic.
With nature and the beautiful curves of roots as inspiration, the Root series was created, initially using Valchromat for the tabletop solution. In 2024, Fora Form introduces Root in a new and innovative material from Wales-based Smile Plastics.
Smile Plastics has a vision to rediscover the beauty and functionality in materials we traditionally classify as "waste." Their goal is to work towards a circular economy by designing and creating distinctive panels and surface products from waste, both from consumers and industry.
Smile Plastics is, therefore, a recycled material. Its raw materials can come from yogurt pots, household appliances, and general plastic packaging. The circular process makes the tabletop 100% recyclable without additives, binders, or resins. This simplifies the disposal process for the consumer at the end of its lifecycle.

The Alba panel is made from humble kitchen waste: yogurt pots! The panel appears sophisticated, clean, and versatile in its expression. With its white, marble-like surface and hints of gold and silver (from yogurt pot foil), Alba is not just visually appealing; it is also easy to use in various interior settings.

"Heron in chestnut"
The "Heron in chestnut" panel is made from recycled white goods, primarily older refrigerators. The mix includes red and grayish tones that create a melting pot of shades on the tabletop. There are plenty of opportunities for exciting combinations here!